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Tech News Firefox: Version 120 fixes particularly annoying bugs

The latest update of the Firefox browser, numbered 120, addresses some very annoying bugs for users. It is already available for download, no need to wait to do it.

Your Internet browser, whatever it is, behaves like any other program : It updates regularly. Firefox is of course no exception to the rule. Most of the time, the process is completely transparent to you. Only a few minor bugs are fixed, which you probably weren't even aware of. Sometimes the update closes a dangerous security hole, and sometimes it adds a few features. In any case, there is no reason not to do them.

The latest one, moving the browser to version number 120, is of the bug fixing type, but of those that you may have noticed because they are so painful. We might as well tell you right away : Nothing has been said about the slower loading of YouTube videos on Firefox for some time. Google blames ad blockers, but luckily, it's possible to stop YouTube from slowing down your videos.

Here is everything that version 120 of the Firefox browser brings :
  • Fixed a bug that caused persistent slowdowns on startup.
  • Fixed an issue that caused 100 % CPU usage on sites like Google Maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused YouTube videos to display a green screen when hardware acceleration was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the status bar was still visible when viewing a video in full screen.
  • Fixed a startup crash affecting Linux users on some aarch64 systems with page sizes other than 4 KB.

Once the update is installed, you should notice that Firefox opens a little faster. If a trip to the task manager told you that Firefox was sometimes using 100% of the processor, that's now history. Regarding YouTube, nothing about slowing down, but at least the green screens that you could see in some cases have disappeared. The update is already available from the browser by clicking Help > About Firefox.

Greetings !!!


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:) That was a very interesting read, those things are good
to know. thank you @odmt27 :)