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Torrent Expresii 2021.02.22 (64 Bit & 32 Bit) >>>TeamOs<<<


🤴 Super Admin
93.5 GB
56.6 TB
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1199 (1205)
Member for 9 years

Beautiful digital oriental watercolor in real time in Ultra-HD! Expresii is an advanced digital painting system.
The ink painting software uses fluid dynamics to simulate watercolors and other natural environments, as well as GPU-accelerated water-based
paints, simulated organic brushes, and ultra-deep scaling capabilities.

It supports both pen and touch input, and if you have a device with a tilt sensor (or game controller), you can even tilt the virtual paper
to control the ink flow. Images can be saved in PNG or PSD formats with support for alpha channels and PSD layers. Moxi Paint Engine,
we're using the GPU to take the watercolor sim to a whole new level! Yibi Brush Engine - Gives you the power to create organic shapes
like wielding a real brush! Youji Rendering Engine - Zoom in to see your work as if it were done on a real sheet of paper.
No more fat pixels! Let virtual ink flow and blend on virtual paper.

Expresii is a modern digital paint system that includes:
• Moxi Paint Engine. We're using GPUs to take the watercolor sim to the next level!
• Yibi Brush Engine. Give you the ability to create organic shapes like owning a real brush!
• Youji Rendering Engine. Zoom in to see your work as if it were done on a real piece of paper. No more fat pixels!

Read the Read-Me Supplied

Language:Multiple Languages
File Size: 67.3 MB

Minimum Requirements:

• Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
• Stylus with WinTab / Win 8+ API support
• Multi-touch screens
• G-sensor / game controller (for tilting the surface)
• OpenGL 2.1 or later

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