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Locked Google Chrome extension

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Mr. Zsky

Nothing in extensions and using Chrome browser Version 96.0.4664.93 (Official Build) (64-bit).
clearly its an adware, there is a program on ur pc due to which this is happening, which AV u using?


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Im on a build that didnt have one and I havent installed one yet. Ill find one to download and see what it finds. Appreciate all the help.

Mr. Zsky

Im on a build that didnt have one and I havent installed one yet. Ill find one to download and see what it finds. Appreciate all the help.
i think by installing AV everything will be good, u may get it from here -


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Ok, this is going for a while without much progress so let's break this problem down.

We know for a fact that this is not something from our side, as we do not require any add-on, plugins, or extensions, etc to visit. We have thousands of members visiting every day including people that helped in this thread and none reported such a thing so we know it's from your end.
How to tell? easy.
1. Use edge or explorer or any other browser and see if you can visit the site
2. Switch to incognito mode. Make sure Chrome is not running, and press win+R and type in the box chrome.exe -incognito and then visit the site. Dont login, just see if you can come here.

If you are able to visit hassle-free by using either way then the issue is with one of the extensions.

All you have to do now is disable ALL extensions and come visit again. type this on the URL chrome://extensions/ and switch everything off, and restart chrome, and make sure you can visit here. After that enable extensions one by one and test visit till you get the error, and that will reveal the addon that causes issues. After that remove it or investigate why is it doing that if it's an extension you really need.

Of course, do what was recommended above and have a virus scan performed.

Lets us know but also keep in mind, there isn't much else we can do as the problem is in something you did and not from our site.


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Thanks Sir @Cyler For That Info :inlove:
I Want @blueis300 And all Know an Extension Called
Let's Say That You Can Control All Other Extensions From it '' Just With one Single Click ''
You Can Hide All Extensions From The Bar In The Top And Just Pin it Only

The menu allows you to:
* enable/disable extensions with a single click
* get info on version, homepage and ID of an extension
* hide selected extensions
* execute an uninstall
* access extension options




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Member for 3 years
Ok, this is going for a while without much progress so let's break this problem down.

We know for a fact that this is not something from our side, as we do not require any add-on, plugins, or extensions, etc to visit. We have thousands of members visiting every day including people that helped in this thread and none reported such a thing so we know it's from your end.
How to tell? easy.
1. Use edge or explorer or any other browser and see if you can visit the site
2. Switch to incognito mode. Make sure Chrome is not running, and press win+R and type in the box chrome.exe -incognito and then visit the site. Dont login, just see if you can come here.

If you are able to visit hassle-free by using either way then the issue is with one of the extensions.

All you have to do now is disable ALL extensions and come visit again. type this on the URL chrome://extensions/ and switch everything off, and restart chrome, and make sure you can visit here. After that enable extensions one by one and test visit till you get the error, and that will reveal the addon that causes issues. After that remove it or investigate why is it doing that if it's an extension you really need.

Of course, do what was recommended above and have a virus scan performed.

Lets us know but also keep in mind, there isn't much else we can do as the problem is in something you did and not from our site.
i guess I actually should have said close the thread earlier or however you stop it. I just figured by me saying appreciate the help and I would install an AV things would be good. I really dont see any weird extension but neither here or there. I appreciate all the advice and will take the information provided. All else fails I will format , try another build and will install an AV etc when loading that build.
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