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Direct Visual Basic Game Programming for Teens, 3rd Edition


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Visual Basic Game Programming for Teens, 3rd Edition

Jonathan Harbour | 2010 | ISBN: 1435458109 | English | 512 pages | PDF | 5 MB

This book reads like a hobby book, with no pressure and limited goals, because the primary purpose of this book is to help you to have fun learning about game programming. Typing in long source code listings out of a book is not fun, so I don’t ask you to do that in this book. Instead, you will learn by studying the short examples in each chapter, and over time you will get the hang of it. There is no memorization required here, as I’m a firm believer that repetition and practice is the best way to learn, not theory and memorization. The Celtic Crusader game is built from one chapter to the next, with new features and gameplay elements added in each new chapter. You will learn to create this game completely from scratch in a very short amount of time.

The finished game in the last chapter includes all the source code to make your own RPG with the features described above, including combat with monsters and enemy NPCs; treasure and gold drops; creating items with the custom item editor; picking up item drops; managing inventory with drag-drop; equipping gear with buffs (stat modifiers) such as armor and weapons; creating NPCs with the character editor; rolling new player characters; saving the game; creating the game w'orld with a custom level editor; and creating quests with the quest editor. Whew! That sounds like a lot of work, but wre make all of this happen in the pages of this book, and you will have a playable, customizable RPG game system by the time you reach the last chapter! In fact, w'hy don’t you flip to the last chapter now to see what it looks like? I’ll w'ait here for you to return.

