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Locked Account Upgrade to help

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34 GB
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Member for 3 years
Hello everybody, I'm Diego (lokustus) and well, as the title says, I would like to ask how could I get an upgrade to a verified rank or something, right off the bat, as anybody can see my ratio has decreased a lot and my internet is not kind of fast to upload/seed (that doesn't work for me) (you know, third world issues), however I have some things (apps/games) uploaded outside and some others to upload, what I want is to become a verified member in order to post some software (I already noticed that is not in the site) and if it helps somebody, well, I'm glad to help and at the same time with this, recover myself of the ratio a little bit (if anyone is wondering how I got into this bad situation, well, I accidentaly erased my external HDD and lost software from here).

However I've already read the thread about how to become verified but, man, I don't have enough posts, neither ideas to post, I have software, that's what I'd like to share, is the only thing I got.

Thanks for reading it and cheers from Mexico


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@lokustus account upgrade from member to verified member is automatic (by the system ) when you have done all the thing that are needed ...
so this thread is closed by now ... and noone can help^you with that (lol)
Man read the rules :rr:

and yes you can be sad these are the rules ...
Last edited:

Uncle Mac

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@lokustus account upgrade from member to verified member is automatic (by the system ) when you have done all the thing that are needed ...
so this thread is closed by now ... and noone can help^you with that (lol)
Man read the rules :rr:

and yes you can be sad these are the rules ...
Blah.blah blah.. You havent answered crap or correctly. This making up bullshit as we go has to stop..

Stop story telling and get all your facts CORRECT..

Uncle Mac

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Mr. Spacely

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@lokustus Posts means replies to thread. You don't need to upload threads necessarily. Keep active and help others when you can, reply to threads you download. Once you reach criteria you can apply for VM and will be approved.


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As every structured group, we have ranks that show how engaged a member is with the community. In a forum engagement can only be measured with:

* How much time a member is with us.
* No. of useful comments/posts (except the "I like", "yes" etc)
* Reactions of people to said comments
* GB that you uploaded.
*And last but not least, no warnings/bans and good behavior on the forums (tho we tend to overlook that sometimes because we are all humans with bad days)
Once those get to where they need to be, you can apply here.
and fill out the form or press the button "forms" at the top of the page.

For Verified Member Rank those are:
Account Age: 3 months old
Posts: 100 posts (You must have 100 valid posts, excluding thank you, hello, etc, small messages)
Reactions/Likes: 100 reactions (You must have received 100 valid reactions)
Data Uploaded: 50 GB+ (You must have uploaded 50 GB Data on the forum through seeding)

For Uploader Rank
Account Age: 6 months old
Posts: 400 posts (You must have 400 valid posts excluding (thank you, hello, etc. small posts)
Reactions/Likes: 200 reactions (You must have 200 valid reactions)
Data Uploaded: 200 GB + (You must have uploaded 200 GB+ data through seeding)

However I've already read the thread about how to become verified but, man, I don't have enough posts, neither ideas to post, I have software, that's what I'd like to share, is the only thing I got.

By posts, we don't mean to start a thread, but helping out in other threads when you can. Share your experience with software, maybe a trick or 2, help people with problems when you can, express your opinion, and have suggestions. Every bit counts.

Hope it helped.
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Mr. Spacely

🤴 Super Admin
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@lokustus what my wizard friend wanted to say is to check this form here:

There you will see a list of things you need to have and / or due in order to be promoted and btw that won't really help with your ratio for that problem I have found a simple solution and that is downlaod all of torrents up to max of 40 mb and then seed them it's even better then solution with freeleech torrents as you will need a bit more space but you will get 1 bonus point for each of torrents you are seeding every 60 min

So if you download 100 torrents up to 40 mb you will get 100 bonus points per hour.


34 GB
73.8 GB
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Member for 3 years
@lokustus account upgrade from member to verified member is automatic (by the system ) when you have done all the thing that are needed ...
so this thread is closed by now ... and noone can help^you with that (lol)
Man read the rules :rr:

and yes you can be sad these are the rules ...
Thanks for the info bro, and sorry if I got you mad, I know almost all the rules (I'd like to think that xD), however, excuse me if the sad reaction got you mad, wasn't my intention, thanks for answering dude

Hi man, thanks but I don't know why is this re-opened?, however thanks and well, thanks for the advice above, a lot of text to read haha I need to go right off the bat, I'll consider it, sorry.

@lokustus Posts means replies to thread. You don't need to upload threads necessarily. Keep active and help others when you can, reply to threads you download. Once you reach criteria you can apply for VM and will be approved.
I didn't know about it bro, prolly I misunderstood that part, thanks homie

As every structured group, we have ranks that show how engaged a member is with the community. In a forum engagement can only be measured with:

* How much time a member is with us.
* No. of useful comments/posts (except the "I like", "yes" etc)
* Reactions of people to said comments
* GB that you uploaded.
*And last but not least, no warnings/bans and good behavior on the forums (tho we tend to overlook that sometimes because we are all humans with bad days)
Once those get to where they need to be, you can apply here.
and fill out the form or press the button "forms" at the top of the page.

For Verified Member Rank those are:
Account Age: 3 months old
Posts: 100 posts (You must have 100 valid posts, excluding thank you, hello, etc, small messages)
Reactions/Likes: 100 reactions (You must have received 100 valid reactions)
Data Uploaded: 50 GB+ (You must have uploaded 50 GB Data on the forum through seeding)

For Uploader Rank
Account Age: 6 months old
Posts: 400 posts (You must have 400 valid posts excluding (thank you, hello, etc. small posts)
Reactions/Likes: 200 reactions (You must have 200 valid reactions)
Data Uploaded: 200 GB + (You must have uploaded 200 GB+ data through seeding)

By posts, we don't mean to start a thread, but helping out in other threads when you can. Share your experience with software, maybe a trick or 2, help people with problems when you can, express your opinion, and have suggestions. Every bit counts.

Hope it helped.
Thanks for answering dude, I think I understand it now, thanks y'all for the support, I'm absolutely a newbie in forums like this, I haven't been in one before and neither in one extremly organized but cool like this one.

@lokustus what my wizard friend wanted to say is to check this form here:

There you will see a list of things you need to have and / or due in order to be promoted and btw that won't really help with your ratio for that problem I have found a simple solution and that is downlaod all of torrents up to max of 40 mb and then seed them it's even better then solution with freeleech torrents as you will need a bit more space but you will get 1 bonus point for each of torrents you are seeding every 60 min

So if you download 100 torrents up to 40 mb you will get 100 bonus points per hour.
Wow, interesting fact!, wow... No words, thanks for the advice bro, really thanks, I appreciate it a lot, thanks homie, however I could manage to get an Upgrade for two months :3 I really like this forum and well... not to much but I guess is somethin', however, I'll take your advice because that suscription doesn't last for life and well... u know, thanks G


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Hi @lokustus,

Ticking all the boxes to become Verify member will take you a moment, but that is the whole point of this requirements,
so the community could get to know you before you will be able to upload anything.

To help you with your network limitations here you have , grab a bunch of small ones and seed.
Then change 10000 seed points for 120GB of upload credit, upload speed doesn't matter, just force seed them.

Peace man


34 GB
73.8 GB
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0 (0)
Member for 3 years
Hi @lokustus,

Ticking all the boxes to become Verify member will take you a moment, but that is the whole point of this requirements,
so the community could get to know you before you will be able to upload anything.

To help you with your network limitations here you have , grab a bunch of small ones and seed.
Then change 10000 seed points for 120GB of upload credit, upload speed doesn't matter, just force seed them.

Peace man
Bro!, really really, I mean, absolutely thanks! :D I don't know why I was wondering if you would answer this when I saw your nickname on the members xD, however, thanks a lot, this will help me so much, Have a beer for it, thx

The Professor

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Member for 10 years
@lokustus as you are VIP you are allowed to post in respective areas please do it in a proper way ( clean files ) if you need any help contact any staff
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