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Torrent AMS Photomontage 1.31 (Repack & Portable) >>>TeamOs<<<


šŸ¤“ Super Admin
93.5 GB
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Member for 9 years

AMS PhotoMONTAZH (Repack & Portable) is a photo editor with support for layers. You can master professional face retouching, combine multiple images, remove unwanted objects, replace the background and improve the quality of your shots.
Contains 180+ objects and textures, modern filters and 3D LUTs. You can make tone and lighting corrections automatically or manually.

The main features of the program:

High-quality photo montage - you can glue several photos together, change the background and add interesting objects: the moon, rainbow, lightning, snow, various flashes.
Natural face retouching - get rid of skin imperfections, highlight the cheekbones and emphasize the depth of the look with the help of brushes. You can experiment with makeup.
Create illustrations from scratch - change the size, pressure and feathering of the brush to get realistic shadows or draw every hair on the character's head.
Professional Color Correction - Correct tone and lighting on curves. Use filters to improve quickly. You can make color correction on each layer.


How to change the language:
1. Once you've installed the program it will be in Russian only with no Preference or options button to change it to whatever you want.
2. I found a work around.
3. close the program

Now we change the Language:
1. Right click on the desktop icon to locate where it has been installed like below

2. go to the folder and double click it
3 find the translations folder and double click on it to open it see picture below

4. Once inside the translations folder you will see 1 folder called (app) and approximatelty 30 files called (qt_.qm)files <--- those are language files.
I've pointed out the english one I used, see picture below.

5. Now copy the qt_.qm file which has your language and paste it into the (app) folder where you will see 1 file called (ru.qm)... see picture below

6. Now what I did next was, I right clicked on the ru.qm file and hit cut... then pasted it onto my desktop just in case I need to put it back.
7. Now to back to the (app) folder and rename the qt_en.qm file to be simply en.qm like I did mine, see the picture below

8. Now the (app) folder should look like this below

Then you can delete the ru.qm on your desktop if all went well! :)

Read the Read-Me's supplied

Language: Russian but--> (see spoiler for how-to change Language)

File Size: 89.9 MB

Minimum Requirements:

Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit only)

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