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Torrent Diana Polska - One Meal a Day Diet (2017)

Jerry Xristos

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After member @way12go request TeamOS presents you

Diana Polska - One Meal a Day Diet (2017)

Evidence-Based OMAD Diet for Weight Loss

Recent scientific research has shown that Intermittent Fasting (IF) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are two highly effective weight loss methods for the majority of overweight people. One 2018 study entitled, Intermittent Fasting with or without Exercise Prevents Weight Gain and Improves Lipids in Diet-Induced Obese Mice, published in Nutrients, found that intermittent fasting and high intensity interval training are effective for weight loss and improving overall health.

The OMAD Diet contains over 700 scientific studies as well as numerous testimonials. The book will help you understand that the main cause of weight gain is chronodisruption and the best way to correct this problem is by resetting the body's internal clock with intermittent fasting.

Numerous studies have found that increased weight gain is largely a result not of the amount of calories consumed per meal, but rather of eating more frequently per day and irregular eating and sleeping patterns which leads to a disrupted circadian rhythm.

According to studies, the majority of overweight and obese people have a disrupted circadian rhythm which leads to weight gain and a multitude of health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. The weight and health of the body depend largely on how well the circadian clock is working. Researchers have discovered that those with a disrupted circadian rhythm were unable to lose weight and keep it off no matter what exercise methods or calorie restriction diet they tried.

We need to follow the healthy eating habits of our ancestors, the hunter-gatherers rather than engaging in the bad habit of eating constantly throughout the day. For our ancestors, it was feast or famine. Humans have evolved to endure long periods of time without food and typically ate a big meal only once a day or less.

Most cultures around the world today that are thin and healthy only eat one, two, or a maximum of three times per day and do not snack at all between meals except for children and those with extremely fast metabolisms.

People in wealthy, developed countries such as America have access to food whenever they want. This has led people to become ā€œgrazersā€ and to eat whenever they feel like it. Eating frequently and snacking has become an addiction for many, with people always wanting something in their mouth.

In recent years, some nutritional and weight loss experts have recommended grazing or having five or six ā€œmini meals,ā€ making people believe that this is a healthy eating habit. However, there are no comprehensive studies to support this way of eating, and there is plenty of scientific evidence against it over the long-term.

There is no one-size-fits-all diet. However, by reading a well-written summary of all the recent scientific research and findings on weight loss, you can understand the cause of weight gain and design a healthy habit of eating that is ideal for you and your lifestyle. Whether it's eating only once or twice a day, or eating low-glycemic index foods or low-calorie-density foods, this book comprehensively covers all the latest research to help you have all the knowledge you need to make the right lifestyle decisions, lose weight and keep it off permanently.

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Uncle Mac

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When i'm with Diana, i'm not going to eat at all ????


āœ… Verified Member
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What a BS
'scientific research has shown that Intermittent Fasting (IF) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are two highly effective weight loss methods' you need a really good science to confirm that people who don't eat for the whole day and exercise will lose some weight, really ground breaking
'Intermittent Fasting with or without Exercise Prevents Weight Gain', sure, guess what people will do after excessive fasting, especially ones that had bad diet habits and couldn't control themself in this matter in the first place.

=== Warning 'Truth Proximity' ===
If you been gaining weight for 20-30 years and you are the size of 2-3 people, you are not going to lose it while on 2 months diet, it is not going to happen.
You need to change your diet to a healthy one (good complete one, not starve yourself) in reasonable portions (for what is reasonable look how much others puts on your plates, as what is normal for you is clearly wrong) and exercise,
not for a month, two or six, till the end of your life, you have been getting it for a long time and getting it off is going to take long time as well.

Sorry for being an ass****, just wanted to be the honest one, wish you the best.

Jerry Xristos

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What a BS
'scientific research has shown that Intermittent Fasting (IF) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are two highly effective weight loss methods' you need a really good science to confirm that people who don't eat for the whole day and exercise will lose some weight, really ground breaking
'Intermittent Fasting with or without Exercise Prevents Weight Gain', sure, guess what people will do after excessive fasting, especially ones that had bad diet habits and couldn't control themself in this matter in the first place.

=== Warning 'Truth Proximity' ===
If you been gaining weight for 20-30 years and you are the size of 2-3 people, you are not going to lose it while on 2 months diet, it is not going to happen.
You need to change your diet to a healthy one (good complete one, not starve yourself) in reasonable portions (for what is reasonable look how much others puts on your plates, as what is normal for you is clearly wrong) and exercise,
not for a month, two or six, till the end of your life, you have been getting it for a long time and getting it off is going to take long time as well.

Sorry for being an ass****, just wanted to be the honest one, wish you the best.
As you can see at the description I shared this for member @way12go because he can't upload and I respect for what he is going through.
Its not what I believe for this book and don't get me wrong, but personally I am on a healthy diet for the last 32 years as I started when I was 16 to exersice too (bodybuilding).
If you want to be fit and generally lose weight you have to eat healthy an exersice too, those two things goes as a chain.
You can read a dozen of books but the solution if you want to lose weight is that you have to do both, eat healthy and exersice :inlove:


āœ… Verified Member
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As you can see at the description I shared this for member @way12go because he can't upload and I respect for what he is going through.
Its not what I believe for this book and don't get me wrong, but personally I am on a healthy diet for the last 32 years as I started when I was 16 to exersice too (bodybuilding).
If you want to be fit and generally lose weight you have to eat healthy an exersice too, those two things goes as a chain.
You can read a dozen of books but the solution if you want to lose weight is that you have to do both, eat healthy and exersice :inlove:
Could not agree more and I appreciate what have you done for another user.
My comment was just about a value of this kind of publications, feeding bs of fast solution to people.
I am truly sorry for them, as it is an enormous effort to deny yourself some wee pleasures for years and force to regular exercises,
but that is just life at it best :), forcing yourself to do the difficult stuff, isn't it? Educate yourself, force to do something productive, work for 50 years, rise kids, eat good stuff and exercise to keep body it good shape
to it serve you well for years. That is just reality for all of us, you can choose to go another way, but there are obvious consequences and turning in the middle of the wrong path takes a lot of effort. That is the reality and my point.
No shortcuts, for anyone. Pure brutal action and reaction 24/7 for all of us. At the end we are just a sum of our decisions.
As around 20% of mine was the right ones, I am not judging anyone, I am sympathetic and understand human struggle, I am in the same situation. Just don't like BS

Uncle Mac

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So, eat well and healthy and exercise well with Diana.. Its super


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Member for 3 years
My wife would love it! Thank you brother.


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Member for 8 years
Not sure I could do it. Does beer count as a meal?