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For those who want to help in the Help/Request Section... How to answer properly


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These are my thoughts not only as an administrator but also as a human being and a professional with several decades of working experience with PCs/servers/datacenters. I know that a lot of things should be common logic, and common sense, but apparently, they are not so here we go:

Rant start/
When a person comes on this site and is looking for software, the last thing we should say is "google it".
In my opinion, it only makes one look foolish and bad. If that is the idea, then why do we have a request section? Why do we even have the forum?
Someone wants office??----> google it. Plenty of sites!
Does someone want adobe products?----> gooooogle it!!
Do you want Windows??? guess what?-----> goooooooooogle it!!!
Ok so let's close the site and move on.. is that what we want? You may be shocked but not everyone knows the same things we do, or have our experience. Not everyone can tell if a program is safe, and not everyone knows how to use Google effectively nor they should. Not everyone has the resources we do. They come to this site because they trust us and to have a nice experience... so either provide if you want to be helpful or don't comment.

We all know that 95 out of 100 sites especially in the APK market are malicious and malware-infected. Would you put any apk on your phone? NO.. then why ask others to do that. Did you try to see if the app/apk is even working before you suggest? People come here with the expectation that at least we did an effort to make sure that the software we publish is relatively safe but also in a working state. That's why we have virustotal results and take seriously any virus reports that come along and that's why we limit the number of uploaders to people we trust and prove their worth. Sure the system is not perfect, but we do the best we can at least.

And then the worse part... INSULTING the person and their intelligence. It's simply unacceptable. Because some people may have ranks of any type in this site, it doesn't make them better than others. Whoever uses insults... only shows his own level of knowledge and what kind of people are they. Dont get me wrong, some people absolutely deserve it, but generally calling people lazy and stupid and other such "cosmetic" words without a good reason... will not be tolerated from now on. So if you see your comment removed, now you know why. Dont assume what others know or don't know or that they haven't done their part (searching) before they make a thread here. It takes strength to ask for help and admit not knowing. No one should make fun of or ridicule that.

Rant end/

So from now on please use this as a base to expand and use the request/help section.

For those who request:
* People who request should I least use the site search before they ask for something. A lot of times what is asked could be easily get found with a simple search. If possible do a google search too and if you come empty, then please do ask.
* Be specific and provide details. It helps reduce the number of questions and back and forth.
* Understand that this is not a generic help section. We are not here to solve all your problems or to teach you. We are a torrent site. We would like to help but within our boundaries.

For those who want to help:
When to help and NOT say "google it"
* When someone asks for software. If you can help, unless there is a VERY SPECIFIC reason, either upload said software for the person that requests and others who want it, to be able to get it, or pm the person with a link you know it's working... or sibt write a comment at all. That simple. Exceptions are when people ask something wrong like I want windows 2111(no such version), or ask for photoshop to do spreadsheets (clarification/confusion). Dont ask why they need the latest versions, don't suggest older versions, especially when they ask for a specific one, don't tell them to wait, they know that... Just provide a link if you can, or ask for clarifications, or no need for a post/comment at all.
* When people have a hardware or generic windows/software issue (not specific to a certain build). Disk showing errors for example, etc.
* Virus issues but not ransomware. For ransomware, the answer is always the same for the time at least.

When to actually say to "use google" if you don't feel like answering.
* When they ask opinions like "which is the best for this or that". The short answer is, that there is no best. If there was a best we would all be using it.
* When they ask generic info like "what's the difference between home and pro".
* When they ask for guides and how to use something, like "how do I use the mouse" or "how to do pivot tables in excel". Plenty of guides with images and even videos on the net.
* Ransomware-specific threads.
* In general when the topic is educational or opinion based and not factual. "Is wifi messing with my microwave oven?"... google it :p

When requests will not even be accepted.
* When they ask for specific windows build issues. Post in the thread that you downloaded the windows/software. That includes activation, windows not getting installed, etc.
* When the request is about phones. How to unlock, how to root etc. There are phone-specific sites, better visit them.
* When the request is in general outside the scope of the site. We are a torrent site, not an encyclopedia site.

Of course, the above points are not absolute, and using our best judgment is always recommended. Sometimes we might want to explain why there is no solution to ransomware issues, that's ok. We might want to suggest if something can be done differently with other software. Nothing is set in stone, nothing is absolute.

No matter what, be respectful and answer in the same way you want others to answer to you.

Hope the above will help the section to become even better.
Thank you for understanding and know that the thread will remain open but keep the comments relative to the subject.
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Mr Grimbahir

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When a person comes on this site and is looking for software, the last thing we should say is "google it".
In my opinion, it only makes one look foolish and bad. If that is the idea, then why do we have a request section? Why do we even have the forum?
Someone wants office??----> google it. Plenty of sites!
Does someone want adobe products?----> gooooogle it!!
Do you want Windows??? guess what?-----> goooooooooogle it!!!
Ok so let's close the site and move on.. is that what we want? You may be shocked but not everyone knows the same things we do, or have our experience. Not everyone can tell if a program is safe, and not everyone knows how to use Google effectively nor they should. Not everyone has the resources we do. They come to this site because they trust us and to have a nice experience... so either provide if you want to be helpful or don't comment."

I was faced with such answers and replies when I first joined the forum. That was a disappointment to me. That pushed me away from the forum to seek answers on other sites and left the forum for a while.


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From my understanding and my memories, "google it" habit came back from staff itself YEARS back.
Since ToS back then don't allow any external links and the word "Medicines(s)", so the easiest solution would be 'just google it'
Even staff post it like that. Either in chatbox or actual forum.
And many users were had a soft warned for using the word 'Medicines' or posting an external link.
Still do to this moment...

But i do agree.
People tends asking questions with a generic problem.
NOT specific problem.
And people do tends to hit and run.
Not coming back to answer or reply their own post.

And not using search feature.


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Would like to see if something more can be done about non replies to a request being completed by the member requesting help.
As you said above, a lot of people come to this site for many reasons concerning their experience good or bad, and the expectation
of even learning a few things along the way. Sadly there seems to be a lack of understanding that its polite to acknowledge and per
site rules to request a thread be closed when you are satisfied with it. The thread, as we know, remains open for close to 30 days so
proper time can be spent presenting a hopefully thorough answer. But when it is assumed the request has been answered why not
let the user know after a period of time, like you do with hit and runs but in a positive manner? This might help the Help and Request
section a little better. Just our two cents.

Uncle Mac

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I totally agree with Cyler, because...Cyler is an institution...a machine...Cyler knows
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I've been around for a couple of years and "google it" was a standard answer.
Since then, when I have a question - I've learned to GOOGLE IT and find out what I need!
I see far too many members asking questions that would be answered far quicker if they GOOGLE IT rather than wait for an answer that may not be forthcoming and then bitching about it!
My tiny rant!!!


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I've been around for a couple of years and "google it" was a standard answer.
Since then, when I have a question - I've learned to GOOGLE IT and find out what I need!
I see far too many members asking questions that would be answered far quicker if they GOOGLE IT rather than wait for an answer that may not be forthcoming and then bitching about it!
My tiny rant!!!
I agree that in some cases suggesting to people to learn how to figure things out is a good way but... why do people assume what works for us, works for everyone. Let me tell you with an example. In order to be a good driver, do you also need to be a good mechanic too? a good engineer? To enjoy and ask for food, do you need to be a chef? That is why we have specializations. Some people know better this, some others that, very few know both this and that and for sure don't know the other. That's why we ask for help from experts. So if your car breaks down... google it. If our house has plumbing problems... google it. Are you sick?? google it and for sure you will get better. See now how it looks?

We forget often the relative knowledge one must have, to be able to tell the fake info that various sites push in order to get clicks. Search for ransomware for example. 200.000 sites will pop, all saying the same things with different images. Use dism blah blah, use sfc blah blah, check registry and download this and that software (that often will screw things worse). No real solution. You and I may be able to filter and find, but do you honestly think that every single person can? Especially when they have the pressure of losing valuable work or personal files? Try the same for most common technical issues. The same happens when you search for software. Google "download free windows/photoshop/office" and see how many viruses one can get and how many sites will try to steal info.

No single solution can be used in all problems.

Thank you for the input and just to be clear I do agree with (paraphrasing) "Give a man a fish and he will have food for a day, teach him how to fish and he will have food for life", it's just that this doesn't apply to everyone. Some people don't want or have the time to "know" or figure it out. Some others, yes, they are lazy... but that will be shown by time. It's hard to know which is which right from the start.
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Mr. Spacely

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I'm not sure I understand why this thread was posted. For conversation between members and staff about how to handle H&R? Or for others opinions to be shared? Guidelines for staff handling H&R have been posted since 2016. Of course as for anyone else @Cyler you are admin. If you see a reply that is not acceptable, or you have a different answer, you are in the position to handle them individually. I really don't see a reason for all of the above.


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If you see a reply that is not acceptable, or you have a different answer, you are in the position to handle them individually.
That is the issue. The thread's main purpose is so we DONT have to handle things individually. There is a time to use "google it" and there is a time for someone to actually help and not answer for the sake of answering or the likes and that's why I thought it should be clear to everyone. So yes, it is a guideline or a way to approach the subject for all, since everyone can answer in this section and it remained open because I don't think I know everything and I like having input from members so we can improve. That is the very definition of the word forum... to express opinions.

People mimicking what they have seen from people in control and with ranks were using this to answer to everything and that is simply wrong. That's what is been often said in case you missed it.
"I've been around for a couple of years and "google it" was a standard answer"
"From my understanding and my memories, "google it" habit came back from staff itself YEARS back."
Otherwise, let's close the section completely or have a bot have "google it" as the default answer and close the threads.

My 2 cents.

Uncle Mac

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Lets not hurt ourselves here. Myself I can be short with my posting and If it needs google it I will say it and usually a little more.. If I think they as Lazy they will be told that to but Im sure I have never used Stupid or Retarded.. Maybe Insane or Ridiculous..

Anyhoo This will remain open as is.. And there will be NO AUTO BOT SHIT..

With the staff we have and more than a few wise Members it will be done and scrutinized like it has since 2014... Thats All..


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@Cyler , When I read your first post I wanted to stand up and salute
Your rant was relevant and made sense. Though everyone had good points.
I agree with what you said.
I would be disappointed if I came here for help, a place I trust, and ask for help
and the only answer I get is, google it.

Though I must admit there are members who will expect you to do for them over and over again
what they could easily do for themselves, you know by googling it. ;)


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@Mr. Spacely you make perfect sense ✅ this sentiment was included in @Cyler 's thoughtful disclaimer

However, I am also a previous visitor such as @Mr Grimbahir - seeing the rough way users were handled a few years ago made me think twice before returning now.
I raise a flute to this new friendly site, with it's over-saturation of _obvious_ truths, that people would be searching for (but we all know they still prefer to ask)
Three cheers to all the admins, moderators and selfless kind and helpful beings here!


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Well now, I'm really new here ... but even so:

A few years ago I ventured forth on my Linux journey, wondering which Disto (distribution) to adopt. A lost soul looking for an open source (OS) soul mate.

After many mis-steps (I personally think there is value and learning in 'breaking things', albeit time consuming) - I settled on one particular Distro.

But this decision was not based on that particular Disto's support forum. Infact, my early posts on that forum were sometimes met with RTFM (Read The Flipping Manual), 2l:Dr (Too Long;Didn't Read), laughs and giggles between established forum members ...

The tone wasn't always friendly or encouraging (but there were some members who adopted a different, more helpful tone/approach).

I did 'Google it' - a lot. I still do.

Anyway, suffice to say I persevered (maybe I developed a thicker skin?) - and I got lucky, since many solutions found on other distro support forums could be applied to my distro of choice.

But, years later - I wonder how many people might have been put off Linux (generally) and that Distro (in particular) - when they encountered snarky or unhelpful comments?

We will never know.

Bottom line, there is no such thing as a stupid question - only stupid answers.


Thanks for listening.


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Bottom line, there is no such thing as a stupid question - only stupid answers.

I couldn't agree with you more. Very well stated.:)