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How To Guide For Installing The Team-os Custom Builds?

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Hi there, total noob question here but I'm wondering exactly how I can install the custom Win10 x64 builds from you guys at Team-Os...

I don't know much about doing installs on windows - I admit I've been a Mac guy until recently ;-) but I've been looking at the NUMIX DUO, Crux and Altum builds and thinking I'd like to give them a try.

I guess what I'm saying is I need an "Idiots guide" for installing these custom builds - or at the very least clear step by step instructions. I've looked on this site and tried searching the web but I'm not entirely sure I can figure out what I'm doing that way and I would rather know the procedure(s) for sure.

I have a Surface Pro 3 running Win10 Pro v1607 (build 14393.953) and I'm not in love with this latest build for a few reasons (hate the newest Start Menu with just the icons etc) plus I get the impression your custom builds are optimized and all that good stuff ;-)

Anyway - I was thinking I could do an in-place upgrade? At least from the NUMIX DUO iso file... Will that work?
And then how do I load the other versions like the Altum for example that are just folders?

Do I have to make a boot disk of some kind?

What about this thing about turning off "Secure Boot"? I tried that and it needed my BitLocker key - which I have no idea what that is or where it can be found.

ANYWAY... I'm not terribly worried about doing these kind of things to my surface, it's not my primary work machine and I can always do a clean install I suppose if I have to.

Hope to hear from someone soon!

Mr. Spacely

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Read this. This will help you. :) p.s. you should always do a clean install. I.M.O.....
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thanks roma1234!

that looks easy enough... two questions tho - with a clean install it wipes all data on my machine so I have to reinstall all programs etc correct?
second question - so I don't have to worry about the whole "disable Secure Boot"? I ask because I got the impression that perhaps the article was pre-windows 10...

oh - and one last thing - I assume you format the disk then before a clean install?

Uncle Mac

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thanks roma1234!

that looks easy enough... two questions tho - with a clean install it wipes all data on my machine so I have to reinstall all programs etc correct?
second question - so I don't have to worry about the whole "disable Secure Boot"? I ask because I got the impression that perhaps the article was pre-windows 10...

oh - and one last thing - I assume you format the disk then before a clean install?
1. Yes Everything wipped and you may install all programs that you need & install them freshly.
2. Yes no worries (Disable is recommended). Do it as mentioned at
3. Not necessary. Just run windows 10 bootable setup after creating bootable usb. During install you would asks to Format partition. 1st step format > System Served < partition. 2nd step format > C Partition < to install Windows 10. That's all

Tip: If you want to keep Drivers at next OS. then kindly read the first memo at this thread that how to backup drivers:

Thread marked as Completed. But it remain open unless Author respond it's all settle down. @TheMacGyver Monitor this thread.
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one more thing - when I tried previously to disable the Secure Boot I ran into this problem where the system wouldn't let me because of the Bitlocker protection... Tried googling on this too but rapidly became confused.
I guess I'm a bit overworked - I'm usually a little better with problem solving than this ;-p

Uncle Mac

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one more thing - when I tried previously to disable the Secure Boot I ran into this problem where the system wouldn't let me because of the Bitlocker protection... Tried googling on this too but rapidly became confused.
I guess I'm a bit overworked - I'm usually a little better with problem solving than this ;-p
Forget about it.

Just Follow to create Bootable usb. after that insert usb restart system during restart press hold boot key. Select Usb and hit enter. It will start setup without any headache. That's it buddy!

Note: If any other error appears, please take a screenshot and create thread regarding that memo. I allow you to create thread if needed. Else comment at my wall so i will unlock this thread if any error appears during installation. I'm sure you would not see any error but just saying in advance. LOL

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