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Locked recommended for a Windows / software

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I want to ask you all for some advice on a windows recommendation.
I keep some bots on VM, sometimes I need two VMs but sometimes even three
the bots I run use CPU and RAM, I mention in case it helps

so far I have used "VirtualBox" but also "VMware Workstation" and Windows 10 home
My questions are:
- what windows suit do you recommend, what kind of feature should I look for?
- there would be a better option than VirtualBox / VMware (or if you know a version that is very fluid in a situation like this) I personally prefer the VMware interface but sometimes it crashes or moves slowly


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Before we start, I need to say that in general, we don't do specific recommendations. We have many excellent uploaders and OS customizers, it's unfair to pick one over the others. Each thread has descriptions, read what each build offers and what they modify, and select the one you want. Especially in your case, it will take some trial and error but since windows are "free" here, you can try all you like (and assuming your ratio is solid :p )

Since you don't give more info, for example, what virtual hardware specs do the Vms have, what are the host PC specs, what does run inside the VM (bot is generic, it can be a disc.ord bot, web page bot, game bot, each has different requirements), and on the host, and how are those bots coded, we can only speculate and that will lead to nowhere.

Emulation and virtualization are 90% hardware bound and 10% software bound. That means unless your host OS (windows home) and VM OS are poorly optimized and/or overloaded with software running concurrently (antivirus/antimalware/browser with many tabs open/chat apps/other such things) changing windows will do little.

Hardware changes on the other hand, such as adding ram, SSD/NVME in case you don't have, and a higher core CPU would help more.
What you can do is try to make VMs lighter (use a light OS from here) or give them less hardware (maybe try 1 or 2 cores only, try 1GB ram, etc), and see how it works out. You can try an LTSC as host OS but don't expect a lot of difference.

To answer your last question, for your needs I don't think you will find something better than VMware. Maybe give a chance to HyperV (the build it from windows, google for more info). Honestly, tho if you need graphic support in VMs, like a direct graphic card (nvidia/amd) inside a VM, Linux is the way with KVM or a type1 hypervisor but leave that for last as it's not meant for home use but it is something for you to research.

I didn't see you mention containers (docker) and maybe you should do some research into that.

Please keep in mind that we are mostly a torrent forum and not a virtualization forum. We try to keep threads relevant to what we do and maybe consider visiting a virtualization dedicated forum. I will leave this open, but if I see it becomes an opinion chit/chat without substance, the thread will probably close.

Hope it helped.
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every mod here runs pretty well with most of them been close enough on crapware removed and viper's service disable guide is what's mainly used!

try and see what works for your needs for mine usually @FBConan and @Jerry_Xristos because I use updates.... but everyone needs and preference are different try them on VM first!!
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Before we start, I need to say that in general, we don't do specific recommendations. We have many excellent uploaders and OS customizers, it's unfair to pick one over the others. Each thread has descriptions, read what each build offers and what they modify, and select the one you want. Especially in your case, it will take some trial and error but since windows are "free" here, you can try all you like (and assuming your ratio is solid :p )

Since you don't give more info, for example, what virtual hardware specs do the Vms have, what are the host PC specs, what does run inside the VM (bot is generic, it can be a disc.ord bot, web page bot, game bot, each has different requirements), and on the host, and how are those bots coded, we can only speculate and that will lead to nowhere.

Emulation and virtualization are 90% hardware bound and 10% software bound. That means unless your host OS (windows home) and VM OS are poorly optimized and/or overloaded with software running concurrently (antivirus/antimalware/browser with many tabs open/chat apps/other such things) changing windows will do little.

Hardware changes on the other hand, such as adding ram, SSD/NVME in case you don't have, and a higher core CPU would help more.
What you can do is try to make VMs lighter (use a light OS from here) or give them less hardware (maybe try 1 or 2 cores only, try 1GB ram, etc), and see how it works out. You can try an LTSC as host OS but don't expect a lot of difference.

To answer your last question, for your needs I don't think you will find something better than VMware. Maybe give a chance to HyperV (the build it from windows, google for more info). Honestly, tho if you need graphic support in VMs, like a direct graphic card (nvidia/amd) inside a VM, Linux is the way with KVM or a type1 hypervisor but leave that for last as it's not meant for home use but it is something for you to research.

I didn't see you mention containers (docker) and maybe you should do some research into that.

Please keep in mind that we are mostly a torrent forum and not a virtualization forum. We try to keep threads relevant to what we do and maybe consider visiting a virtualization dedicated forum. I will leave this open, but if I see it becomes an opinion chit/chat without substance, the thread will probably close.

Hope it helped.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me.
I may not have expressed myself well. I want feature recommendations for what an OS should have, if anything from the original OS should be removed

my pc specification are: Ryzen 9 5900x; Ram 64 GB
until now i give each VM 3/4 Core and 7-8 GB ram

i will continue with VMware, hope to finde a better version in future but i think this one is the last "VMware Workstation 16 Pro 16.2.3"


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Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me.
I may not have expressed myself well. I want feature recommendations for what an OS should have, if anything from the original OS should be removed

my pc specification are: Ryzen 9 5900x; Ram 64 GB
until now i give each VM 3/4 Core and 7-8 GB ram

i will continue with VMware, hope to finde a better version in future but i think this one is the last "VMware Workstation 16 Pro 16.2.3"
To be honest nothing really.
For your host: Look, let windows start, and after a min or two, check with Task Manager. If CPU/GPU and disk usage are between 0% and 1% you are golden. Dont worry much about memory usage, when windows aren't doing anything they use memory for cache which gets released at software requests in case of need and so 1,5 to 2.1 Gb is normal, maybe more because ram usage scales with the available ram. If you see more than that check which apps start with windows and disable all not needed.
For the VMs: Maybe spin a new VM and try one of the light/game windows builds, and compare it with what you have as it may allow you to use a bit less ram but overall I doubt you will see much difference, then again you never know. No matter what for the Vms I would disable antivirus, Cortana, and indexing services but all light builds do that by definition.

Other than that if you use graphics-intensive apps, I would seriously look into Linux/KVM as it allows for passthrough of a graphic card to the VM, which means inside a VM you will see an Nvidia/AMD card and not the Vmware one which allows for full utilization of your card like use full DirectX graphics (even DX12), use the full VRam and higher resolutions and refresh rates, etc. You can even share 1 graphic card to multiple VMs based on Vram usage (for example 2 Vms with 4GB Vram each or 4 VMs with 2 GB VRAM each) and each VM can play its own different game/app. Warning tho for the faint of heart. It's not as easy as it sounds and you need to do a LOT of research as to what and how. Start by checking a couple of videos about KVM and if your hardware is compatible with KVM. Of course, as you understand this exceeds the scope of this forum but you can find many resources online and communities that do that.

I would also look into containers (for example google name_of_software and container) but I would not keep my hopes high for what you need.

Best of luck on your project.


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