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Solved Verified User and warnings question.

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Well, this is an embarrassing question for me and I feel awkward even bringing it up but nevertheless here it is:
I've read the rules, etc and I suppose I didn't read as carefully as I should have and as a result we didn't know better and created a second account some time ago.
It wasn't done for nefarious reasons or to evade ratios, etc. (there are two of us at the same location/ip and we use the same system for downloading torrents).
I apologize and do understand not to do so as it is one of the cardinal rules here on TOS.
Its something that I regret doing because it stains my profile from my point of view and It will never happen again.

I've since re-read the rules and then some and my question is will I never be able to become a verified member since I have a warning on my profile?
I can live with it and I do own it but it does kind of bother me on a personal level because I'm not a dishonest person by nature. Its the idea that it will never go away now and it leaves me with a negative mark on my profile, though it is my own fault and no one elses. Not trying to nag or anything, just curious.

With thanks, Solarsails.


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The criteria listed on the application form are treated as guidelines by the staff, not as absolute rules.
Every application for verified member status is dealt with on its merits.
Should you ever apply for verified status then you will have the opportunity to explain how your warning came about so your warning may not prevent you from becoming a verified member.
If you apply then all your activity on the site will be taken in account. If, at the time of your application, your contributions to the site outweigh your mistakes then you may still become a verified member.


73.8 GB
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Member for 2 years
The criteria listed on the application form are treated as guidelines by the staff, not as absolute rules.
Every application for verified member status is dealt with on its merits.
Should you ever apply for verified status then you will have the opportunity to explain how your warning came about so your warning may not prevent you from becoming a verified member.
If you apply then all your activity on the site will be taken in account. If, at the time of your application, your contributions to the site outweigh your mistakes then you may still become a verified member.
Thank you, that's very much appreciated.
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