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Tutorials Why Do I Have Hit & Runs?

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šŸ¤“ Super Admin
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Member for 5 years
If you have hit & runs, first you must fix all of them.
Then you must wait 24 hours to get your download permissions back.
Do not contact us. Just wait.


You can see your hit & runs by clicking the "Hit and Run" tab on your profile page.
There is also information about your hit and runs here

Perhaps you don't understand the hit and run rules?
They are simple.
To avoid a hit & run warning you have to do one of these things
  • Seed your downloaded torrent for 3 days (72 hours).
  • Seed your torrent until its ratio reaches 1.0.
You do not have to do both.
You do not have to seed continuously for 3 days.
Stop seeding too soon and you will get a hit & run warning.

IF you have seeded a torrent for less than 72 hours AND you have not seeded it for more than a week THEN you will get a hit & run.
You will not get a hit & run if the torrent's ratio is more than 1.0.

The hit & run rules apply to every member except Donors and VIP members.

The hit & run rules apply to every torrent that you download greater than 50 MB.
There are no exceptions and we accept no excuses.
The hit & run rules do apply to freeleech torrents.

Having a good overall ratio does not make you exempt from the hit and run rules.

Do not rely on the seeding times that you see in your torrent client.
They are often not the same as the seeding times shown on your site profile.
We can only use our statistics so you should use them too.

You can see the seeding times of torrents that are actively seeding on your profile.
Click the "BitTorrent" tab, then the "Seeding" tab.
The seeding times are shown in the hourglass column.

Follow this link to find out why our seed times do not always match yours.

To see what the site thinks about your hit & run, go to your profile page.
Click on the "Hit & Run" tab.
The hit & run page will show you how long you have seeded according to our tracker.
If the time shown is less than 3 days then you have not seeded for long enough.
It does not matter if your torrent client shows more than 3 days. We are using our measurement of your seed time, not your measurement.

You can fix a hit & run by seeding longer or by zapping it.
Zapping a hit & run clears it by using up some of your upload credit or some of your seedbonus points.
Follow these links for more information

*** If you have hit & runs, first you must fix all of them. Then you must wait 24 hours to get your download permissions back. ***

Sometimes your hit & run page will show seeding times that are slightly more than 3 days.
This is because the tracker checks the seeding times every few hours, not continuously.
Keep seeding and in a few hours the hit & run warning will go away.

Do not ask us to fix your hit and runs for you.
They are your responsibility and you must fix it yourself by seeding or zapping.

Very rarely a hit & run warning really does get "stuck".
Do not report a stuck hit & run until you have had it for at least a whole day.
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