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Tech News LTSC vs PRO vs HOME

About Windows 10 LTSC versus Home or Pro​

First, I’ll clarify that Windows 10 LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) is a special version of Windows 10 Enterprise which Microsoft primarily recommends for mission-critical applications and standalone boxes like cash registers, medical systems (such as those used for MRI and CAT scans), industrial process controllers and air traffic control devices. Even though the standard Home or Pro versions of Windows 10 thankfully returned update control to the user with version 1903 released at the end of May 2019, there are still many benefits to the parallel Windows 10 LTSC version:
  • Virtually no bloatware is pre-installed (as there is with Windows 10 Home and Pro), which saves about 5 GB of space. Also, the bloatware apps can’t be running in the background the way many of them do when installed (unless manually deactivated or manually uninstalled). Many people who install the standard Windows 10 Home or Pro later spend hours uninstalling bloatware and/or deactivating services to free space and improve performance (as covered by Chris Titus Tech in a detailed YouTube video, although he made it before the 1903 update, which makes some parts of it irrelevant). With Windows 10 LTSC, your installation thankfully starts with about 5GB less, so there is much less to remove or deactivate later. Instead of having to spend time uninstalling bloatware (or downloading a third party script to automate its deletion), you simply install less from the beginning. Many people find that to be more logical.
  • Rather than having to deactivate many reporting and other background services manually, they are already off by default, or —in some cases— you are given the option to deactivate them as part of a list shown just after installation.
  • Lack of nagware: “Try Office 365”, etc.
  • All drivers for Windows LTSC match the standard ones for Windows 10 Home or Pro, so there are no compatibility issues.
  • Although the Microsoft Store and Skype do not come pre-installed, you may certainly install them if desired.

I have used and repaired EVERY MicroSlop OS since DOS 3.3, and in my "personal" experience, LTSC is simply "my" best alternative. If you dont need/want the Microsoft Store, then LTSC is a better option. Microsoft Store and OTHER products are available to install just in case you want them WITH LTSC. The Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) is designed for Windows 10 devices and use cases where the key requirement is that functionality and features don’t change over time.

Now, with that being said, PRO is a good OS, just comes with bloatware and always "Try Before You Buy" popups every other day it seems. PRO can be sorted out using you favorite "De-Bloater" of choice, but for "out-of-the-box" ease of use and stability, LTSC starts and is ready to go after installation without any additional steps. Not to mention the updates fiasco for PRO vs LTSC.


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Well, I'm convinced, it's time to format my everyday PC
and I'm gonna go with a LTSC, It sounds as if it would be
more stable with no bloatware.
Thanks everyone for breaking down the differences for us. :)